Tag: Utilimarc News

Utilimarc is proud to announce the release of a new, fully-integrated Business Intelligence Platform for fleets– creating a cohesive, singular platform for their current suite of fleet management applications. The platform bridges the gap between siloed data streams and the informative insights needed for smarter fleet management.

Yesterday, the Business Intelligence Group named Utilimarc as a finalist for the Sustainability Leadership Award in the 2021 Sustainability Awards program. The Sustainability Awards honor the people, teams and organizations who have made sustainability an integral part of their business practice or overall mission in 2021 and going forward.

Building Upon its Benchmarking and Fleet Analytics Products, Utilimarc Launches the First Fully-Integrated BI Platform with AEP, Intren, United EP, and Ameren as Early Adopters.

Our partnership with Sierra Wireless and its in-vehicle routers enables us to bring our clients access to AT&T FirstNet (First Responder Network Authority).

“The biggest challenge was making a tool that was easy for any time-constrained manager to use, but also powerful enough to provide valuable insights.”

he report analyzed changes in upper level fleets in North America and studied the offerings of 10 private companies and seven public companies offering technology to meet that need, positioning Utilimarc among the leaders.

In total, twelve of the Top 100 fleets were Utilimarc clients with three clients appearing in the Top 10 fleets as announced at the Government Fleet Expo.