Tag: Electric Vehicle Fleets

Should I use telematics to track EVs? | Utilimarc blog

The benefits of connecting a fleet with telematics are pretty much indisputable. With such a deep collection of vehicle and driving insights, managers can dig into data to identify waste reduction opportunities and optimize performance. However, as many switch to electric vehicles they are wondering, are telematics just as useful for EV fleets?

Can Thermal Monitoring Reduce Your Carbon Emission Output? | Utilimarc Blog

With EVs requiring such high processing power and fast charging times, battery temperature is a common concern and reason for accelerated degradation. High temperatures cause irreversible damage to batteries, ultimately affecting the battery’s state of health, performance and safety.

how do you quantify the value of going electric? | Utilimarc blog

As with any major investment, the initial and ongoing costs must be weighed carefully against their ultimate value to figure out total cost of ownership. However, the metrics by which this value is measured must be clearly determined – if not, any value provided is subjective and non-quantifiable. So, how do we calculate this elusive figure called ROI?

Can the electric grid support the growing demand for electric vehicles? Utilimarc blog

As every state has varying grid capacities, and differing patterns of consumption during different times of year, grid operators will have to carefully manage energy consumption. Considerations will include seasonal changes in electricity use, peak and off-peak usage times throughout the day and whether purchasing electricity from other states could be an alternative solution.

what is range anxiety? Utilimarc Blog

A 2019 study by Volvo found that more than half of the drivers surveyed were unwilling to buy EVs because they were afraid they’d run out of power before being able to charge their vehicle, while 49 percent voiced concern about the limited number of charging stations.

What will the new Ford F-150 Lightning electric pickup mean for fleets? | Utilimarc Blog

Most people tend to associate electric vehicles with smaller, lighter duty models that are not designed for heavier work loads. However, with Ford’s new F-150 model, they are setting themselves apart from their competitors by pushing the boundaries and setting the standard for other brands to pursue fully-electrified models that can get the tough jobs done in the future.

Utilimarc - How to Understand the ROI of Your Electric Vehicle Image is of a plug in electric vehicle

Digging into your data will be essential in this transition, especially if you’re looking to identify opportunities within your operations structure that could in fact be more sustainable that they currently are. Telematics can be a large help, but the data means nothing if you don’t do anything with it.