Vehicle Spotlight: Ford Escape

Paul MilnerSeptember 17, 2012

This week’s Vehicle Spotlight focuses on the hybrid and gas-engine Ford Escape. The graph below shows how each vehicle performs in terms of overall operating cost per mile. The table below contains additional usage information for these vehicles. For more information about these and other compact SUVs, contact Utilimarc here.

Ford EscapeFord Escape Hybrid
Avg. Annual Mileage:12,131 Miles9,055 Miles
Avg. Miles Per Gallon:20.84 MPG26.19 MPG
Avg. Annual Unit Age:4.37 Years3.72 Years
Avg. Annual Parts and Labor Cost:$1,802.34$916.74

Paul Milner

Benchmarking and Professional Services Manager

Paul Milner is a Benchmarking and Professional Services Manager at Utilimarc. He studied mathematics and philosophy at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. Working at Utilimarc for nearly ten years, he helps find the stories and solve problems within complex data sets. See more from Paul

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