Even when the right vehicles for your fleet become available, there is still the question of whether they are truly the better option. Fleet managers must justify that EVs would perform at the same level as their current ICE models.

Electric vehicles tend to be the go-to green solution due to their zero-emissions claims. It is worth questioning, however, just how environmentally friendly EVs are.

It seems to be one of those things that as you enter the fleet industry – or actually, I should probably say the automotive industry at this point – it’s engrained in you from day one. But what actually is it aside from the collection of data points from a vehicle?

For EV drivers, the main concern from the day the vehicle is driven off the lot is battery degradation. A degraded battery suffers permanent damage that reduces the energy capacity of the battery and the amount of power it can deliver.

The benefits of connecting a fleet with telematics are pretty much indisputable. With such a deep collection of vehicle and driving insights, managers can dig into data to identify waste reduction opportunities and optimize performance. However, as many switch to electric vehicles they are wondering, are telematics just as useful for EV fleets?

This year at Fleet Forward, I think you could tell that most people were happy to be back at an in-person event rather than virtual. It was amazing to see so many people connecting and re-connecting, catching up with new friends and old colleagues that they haven’t seen in quite some time.

To mark the spookiest, scariest day of the year, we’re bringing you the first ever Fleet FYIs Spooktacular special – Fleet HORROR STORIES. A huge thank you to everyone that submitted ideas for this show – hopefully you enjoy our fun, light-hearted take on the spooky side of the fleet industry.

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, keeping Earth at habitable temperatures. However, with GHGs at an all-time high due, this leads to out-of-control climate conditions that threaten life across the planet.

A fuel card or fleet card is used as a payment card typically for all types of fuels at gas stations or filling stations. Whilst most fleets use these for fuel (hence the name, fuel cards) fleet cards can also be used to pay for vehicle maintenance and expenses at the discretion of the fleet owner or manager.