For those opting to phase out ICEVs, the go-to alternative is typically electric vehicles. However, another technology being explored and invested into is hydrogen-powered vehicles (FCEVs).

Santa Monica’s Zero Emissions Delivery Zone is the first LEZ in the country. The initiative targets last-mile delivery vehicles and is pushing for electrification and micromobility in last-mile delivery.

It’s no secret that managing an EV fleet comes with its own unique challenges. From maintenance training to new data streams, adjusting metrics to lowering emissions – there’s a lot to take in. Breaking down new metrics and data streams in an intuitive dashboard can help you make a seamless transition to electric.

In order to gather more information on what fleets across North America are doing to minimize risky driving behavior and train safer drivers on the road, Utilimarc has partnered with DTE Energy to run a survey to asses what aspects of fleet safety are most important to managers – from policies to equipment, how they’re training drivers or if they are using incentives to achieve their results.

High quality data can be tricky to recognize as valuable at first glance. It isn’t a tangible asset that goes out to job sites on a daily basis. It is, however, one of the most impactful tools a fleet manager can have when it comes to spotting opportunities and tracking progress toward goals.

There is more internal and external pressure than ever before for organizations to make their practices sustainable and to find different ways of doing so. This can mean something different for each distinct organization, especially when it comes to how they approach it.

Last month, Utilimarc released the results of a survey on Greenhouse Gas Reporting. The survey was created to understand how leading North American fleets were track and reporting on their progress towards goals set on emissions reduction – of which the commercial fleet industry makes up 35 percent of GHG emissions worldwide.

Jersey City is set to build the first self-sustainable municipal microgrid in the country that will power the city’s EV fleet and electric refuse trucks and save taxpayers over $21 million over 20 years.

There are two ways someone can gain the status of a true fleet data analyst. By spending years in the fleet industry garnering deep domain expertise, or by utilizing business intelligence as your secret weapon.