Telematics is an essential management tool for many commercial and government fleets. Whether your chosen solution comes factory-embedded from the manufacturer or is added in after acquisition, telematics helps managers to monitor and understand their fleet assets.

With the adoption of EVs, there can be a learning curve to the distinct technologies, metrics and KPIs involved. BI can help managers to track charge events, energy usage and MPGe in addition to their original ICEV metrics, all in one place.

BI helps fleets to futureproof by creating a reliable and repeatable management strategy that is flexible to change. With the fleet industry changing so rapidly today, this helps managers look toward long-term success, focusing on cost-reduction opportunities and sustainable resource management.

One of the greatest benefits of implementing business intelligence is the ability to turn disconnected data systems into actionable insights. Once fleet data is streamlined and cleaned, BI bridges the gap between the initial point of data collection to seeing data-driven results.

Starting with reliable, high-quality data is the first step for successful reporting. This gives your organization a full view of what’s going on within, share reports with full confidence and make smarter, data-backed business decisions. To get to this point, however, data quality starts with unified data streams, error-free information and appropriate storage.

The common goal of fleet sustainability is twofold. First, to adopt practices that protect the wellbeing and future of the world around us. Second, to ensure the future success of your organization. This is appealing for organizations striving to be more conscientious with their practices while still reducing waste and costs internally.

Fuel is one of the biggest capital spends for any fleet, so detailed reporting on fuel spend is always important. As fuel prices rise, however, ensuring that reports are accurate is critical to a successful fleet budget and preventing fuel fraud.

Sustainability is interwoven into futureproofing for many reasons. At its core, the idea and goal of sustainability is to carry out our actions and meet our needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations doing the same. This is essentially the same goal as futureproofing, no?

Recently, in partnership with Consumer’s Energy, we ran a survey to learn more about how fleets are changing their take-home policies (if at all), especially as we exit a pandemic and move into a new year.