There are a lot of pros and cons to weigh out – whether or not it works for the type of work your fleet does on a daily basis, if your region is suited to hosting an electric fleet (with its current infrastructure) and whether or not your organization is willing to do a deep dive into it’s data to ensure the return on their investment is worth it.

The sustainability and electrification movement is here to stay – and one fleet manager that proves this in his day to day operations is none other than Fleet Manager of the Year award winner for 2020, Mark Stevens.

A dashboard connects all of your data streams and sources but spares you the headache of connecting each source of data yourself.

In recent years, the U.S. has been trying to make waves when it comes to being more climate friendly. When authorities in the U.K. and Europe have promised to be fully electric when it comes vehicle manufacturing by 2035, many might wonder where exactly the U.S. fits in.

Nearly every industry in the world has been thrown for a loop when it comes to what their “normal” day-to-day looks like. The same holds true for fleet networking initiatives and conferences.

Your data can tell a story – but it’s not just that it can tell one, it’s how one tells it. In larger organizations, it’s critical to be able to explain data to management at every level from multiple angles.

Building Upon its Benchmarking and Fleet Analytics Products, Utilimarc Launches the First Fully-Integrated BI Platform with AEP, Intren, United EP, and Ameren as Early Adopters.

From the days of ‘software on a shelf’ to the new, streamlined automatic updates of today – we’re covering what’s on the minds of project managers today.

Business intelligence technology carries a massive benefits for fleets everywhere. Take a look at this new technology and learn what it could mean for your fleet management strategy.