Whether by external mandate or internal initiative, more organizations than ever are monitoring their greenhouse gas emissions and general impact on the environment. Major companies like General Motors, FedEx, Delta and Shell have publicly committed to reaching carbon neutrality as soon as 2030, but the question is – is this goal achievable?

For fleets that have kept waiting patiently, this year has brought an exciting onset of “firsts” in the EV market. This is great news for different types of fleets, from emergency services to shipping to utilities, who now have one more option to help future-proof operations and meet long-term sustainability goals.

As EV production struggles to keep up and delivery dates keep being pushed back, many fleets are left wondering whether their sustainability goals are even feasible in the immediate future. One potential solution is the use of natural gas to power light- to heavy-duty vehicles.

Choosing to charge EVs on-site or at drivers’ homes each come with their own pros, cons and general considerations from infrastructure installation to electricity costs to charging schedules.

In addition to extreme temperatures and battery degradation, EV drivers are noticing another phenomenon affecting their battery performance and fuel efficiency. Phantom drain, also known as vampire drain, occurs when energy is lost from a battery when the vehicle is not in use.

Charging infrastructure is a crucial element of electrification that many leave as an afterthought to EV adoption. Installation of EV infrastructure can take up to months, and fleet managers must consider their charging strategy, budget, available space and the infrastructure company they will work with.

For those opting to phase out ICEVs, the go-to alternative is typically electric vehicles. However, another technology being explored and invested into is hydrogen-powered vehicles (FCEVs).

Creating a charging strategy is an essential step of electrification that many do not realize should be done well in advance of receiving new EVs. Fleets looking to build an entire charging station with several ports for fleets can be looking at months of installation time.

Santa Monica’s Zero Emissions Delivery Zone is the first LEZ in the country. The initiative targets last-mile delivery vehicles and is pushing for electrification and micromobility in last-mile delivery.