Fleet Benchmarking Study: Compact SUVs
The graphs below are derived from the data of over 50 of our utility and municipal fleet benchmarking clients and their active Compact SUVs (including Ford Escape, Chevy Equinox, Jeep Liberty, and more). The sample included over 22,500 vehicles, and the recent five-year average purchase price was just over $27,000. The data being used represents the patterns we have seen from the industry average of the selected sample. Any questions about the how this data and how it ties to fleet analytics should be directed to a Utilimarc representative, or request a live demo for more information.
Operating Costs (Without Fuel) Per 1,000 Miles
This graph shows the operating costs (all parts and labor) net of fuel per mile for 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUVs by age. The overall trend for both drive types is that the operating cost per mile is increasing.
The operating costs for 4×2 in year one was $75 per 1,000 miles, while in year nine it was $265 per 1,000 miles, an increase of $190 over the nine years. The average operating cost per 1,000 miles for a 4×2 Compact SUV over the same nine-year period was $148.
The operating costs for 4×4 in year one was $52 per 1,000 miles, while in year nine it was $267 per 1,000 miles, an increase of $215 over the nine years. The average operating cost per 1,000 miles for a 4×4 Compact SUV over the same nine-year period was $153.
Average Miles Driven by Year
This graph shows the average miles driven from 2010 to 2014 for the 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUV. The 4×4 Compact SUV has historically driven more miles annually than the 4×2. From 2010-2014 the 4×4 was driven an average of 1,458 more miles annually than the 4×2.
Average Miles Per Gallon (MPG) by Year
This graph shows the average miles driven from 2010 to 2014 for the 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUV. For the data set above, the 4×2 Compact SUV gets better MPG, at 24.2 MPG for the five-year average. From 2010-2014 the 4×4 was has an average 20.7 MPG.
Average Number of Days Between Unscheduled/Demand Repair by Year
This graph shows the average number of days between an unscheduled/demand repair event from 2010-2014 for the 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUV. The 4×2 historically has an average of 132 days between unscheduled/demand repair. The 4×4 historically has an average of 86 days between unscheduled/demand repair.
Average Number of Days Between Scheduled/Preventive Maintenance by Year
This graph shows the average number of days between an unscheduled/demand repair event from 2010-2014 for the 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUV. The 4×2 historically has an average of 132 days between unscheduled/demand repair. The 4×4 historically has an average of 131 days between unscheduled/demand repair.
Average Age Since 2009
This graph shows the average age of vehicles from 2010-2014 for the 4×2 and 4×4 Compact SUV. The average age for the 4×2 increased by 0.85 years from 2010 and 2014, while the 4×4 increased by 0.74 years from 2010 to 2014. The average age historically for the 4×2 is 5.26 years, and the average for the 4×4 is 5.72.
Drive Type Percentage Since 2009
This graph shows the drive type percentage breakdown of Compact SUVs between 2010-2014. The 4×4 drive type percentage has been more popular historically, averaging 74 percent of Compact SUVs, but the 4×2 has started to gain more popularity from 22 percent in 2010 to 30 percent in 2014.
Fuel Type Percentage in 2014
This graph shows the fuel type percentage used in 2014 for the Compact SUVs. The most common type of fuel used was regular gas, at 82 percent, followed by gas/electric hybrid at 11 percent, gas/E85 flex fuel made up 7 percent.
Jessica Adams
Manager of Customer Success
Jessica Adams is the manager of Customer Success at Utilimarc. She began her career with Utilimarc six years ago after graduating from the University of St. Thomas. Jessica specializes in benchmarking and enjoys creating custom reporting for clients. See more from Jessica